Friday 18 July 2014

10 Ways to Improve Your Focus

Focus could be troublesome in this driven world of preoccupation. Who can bear the cost of the greater part of that valuable time to be dissipated?
How frequently have you sat at your work area and attempted to concentrate on an assignment, just to find that your mind is confused? In spite of your best plans, you simply can't think and concentrate. We've all been in this well known, baffling circumstance, and it is something that can truly undermine your execution and productivity.
Here I am going to mention 10 tips to help you keep up concentrate and maintain focus on executing tasks efficiently in your professional and personal life that will fabricate your professional, social and personal life, and help you spare time to do the things you need to do.
1.      Nutrition: It is true that breakfast can make or break a diet. Because breakfast turns your engine on for the rest of the day. So if some of you still think that skipping breakfast is going to result in weight loss… Think again! It can affect your ability to focus.

2.      Drink Water: Avoiding drinking water will make you feel tired, crabby, slow or sick. In the event that your mind doesn't have enough liquid, then it can't work at its best and you'll strive to stay focused. Drink a lot of water!

3.      Quit being Lazy: Do you walk much in a day? If you don’t move around enough, you might get cardiac issues besides focus interception. Research has shown that regular walking can help increase your focus during the day.
4.      Your Environment Matters: You have to make your environment work for you. If you can concentrate better with music, then plug in those headphones. If noisy coworkers or neighborhood are disturbing you and intercepting your concentration, then ask them to reduce the disturbance.

5.      Tasks List: At the start of the day, create a list of tasks that you want to complete, including both personal and professional ones. This will be your road map from the start to the end of your day. Focusing on one list and getting committed to it will prevent disarray, confusion and unnecessary distractions resulting in preoccupation of mind. It will certainly help you envision accomplishing every objective set for that particular day.
6.      One Thing at a Time: Ideally, only concentrate on one task at a time. Research on the human brain has shown that it cannot execute two complicated tasks simultaneously. If you perform two tasks at a time and a distraction can easily affect your progress adversely. If you add a third task, the brain simply won’t keep up. You’ll lose track of one of the original tasks and begin making errors or worse, get stuck!
7.      Balance Work & Life: It is not wise to sacrifice your personal or social life for your professional life – the value and creativity you contribute in your career will only suffer. Maintain a balance in home and work life in order to boost performance, creativity and satisfaction.
8.      Don’t Get Bored: If you feel your attention distracting, take a short break. A quick walk to get a glass of water or getting up and moving around to stretch can actually help. Don’t go for a longer break and let your well-intentioned relaxation break result into procrastination.

9.      Do Not Get Disturbed or Distracted: While working, I would advise to close email, instant messengers, social networking accounts (on your computer AND your mobile devices), and put your status on “Busy.” Turn your phone off. Put up a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door to let others know you are working and need to focus.

10.  Brain Games can Help: If you do need a break, play “brain” games against the clock rather than checking Facebook or twitter. Try Sudoku, Mahjong matching, crossword puzzles, or memory and attention training programs like Share Genius™ Play Attention and a lot more are available on the internet. 

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